Kylie, Jace, and my micro habitat area didn’t consist of much. All that was there was pine straws, dirt, sticks, and leafs. But of course Jace threw in some water to mess everything up. There was a group that found things in there’s. Maybe if there was different varieties that lived there, we would have had a better micro habitat.

Puerto Rican culture is a very different culture. Not every day in America you hear a band on the streets or smell different spices from food , but that is one typical scene in Puerto Rico. Colors are a big part of this mighty culture. They brighten their homes with colors that stand out for each seasons. I have yet to find a normal Puerto Rican family that has no special tradition. For instance, my dads aunt makes everyone do a weird dance before dinner. That tradition will last because of its odd becoming. Food in Puerto Rico is very different as well. But its always good to have your very own type of food to enjoy.
Sometimes I feel upset, Sometimes I feel happy but whatever I feel you make it 100 million times better. I love your smile, your laugh, and your cute thing you do with you nose when your mad. And most of all I love you.#broc#
Mental Disabilities during World War 2.
During World War 2 the soldiers and workmen thought that mentally retarded people were not needed and thought of them as something that nobody cares for.
The physically and mentally handicapped were viewed as useless, individuals who were mentally retarded were targeted for murder in what the Nazis called “T4” or “Euthanasia”.
Handicapped infants/small children were killed by injection with a deadly dose of drugs or by starvation. The bodies of victims were burned. Despite public protest in 1941, the Nazi leadership continued this program in secret throughout the war. About 200,000 people were murdered during that time period.
The T4 program became the new model for that mass murder of Jews, Roma (Gypsies), and others in camps equipped with gas chambers that the Nazis would open during 1941 time period. Adolf Hitler called the beginning of the “euthanasia” program– the repeating killing of those Germans that the Nazis deem “unworthy of life”. Those patients are sent to various “euthanasia” killing centers in Greater Germany and killed by lethal injection or in gas chambers.
Mounting public criticism of the “ euthanasia” killings prompts Adolf Hitler to order the end of the program. Gas chambers in the various “euthanasia” killing centers are dismantled. Although the “euthanasia” program is officially ended, the killing if physically or mentally challenged people continues in secret in individual cases. Hartheim castle one of the Euthanasia killing centers.
The best present I gave was probably to my aunt. We got her college dorm room decorations. It made me feel really happy, respectful, and kind, inside, because my aunt cried.I’m pretty sure it made my aunt cry tears of joy, and saying that you can indicate that she felt loved for , and thought for. She knows we love her.The quote “Its better to give than receive”, means it is better to give someone a gift than them giving you one.
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My Mom rushed to the Hospital in p.js at 12:30, when her water broke.
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